Today it is Dies Comitialis – almost the same as Dies FASTI, but these days are reserved for public gatherings of Romans – comitia. So, if your local community is going to appoint a gathering to discuss certain matters and make decisions – these days are just perfect for that!
It is the seventeenth day before Kalendae Februariae.
It is the H nundial day, it is the 6th day before the market day this year.
On this day Romans worship: – Concordia (means “concord” or “harmony” in Latin) is the Goddess who embodies agreement in marriage and society. A personification of concord, peace and goodwill. Her Greek equivalent is usually regarded as Harmonia, with musical harmony a metaphor for an ideal of social concord or entente in the political discourse of the Republican era. She was thus often associated with Pax (“Peace”) in representing a stable society. As such, She is more closely related to the Greek Goddess Homonoia (likemindedness). Offerings were made to Concordia on the birthdays of emperors, and Concordia Augusta was worshipped as the promoter of harmony in the imperial household.