Today it is Dies Comitialis – almost the same as Dies FASTI, but these days are reserved for public gatherings of Romans – comitia. So, if your local community is going to appoint a gathering to discuss certain matters and make decisions – these days are just perfect for that!
It is the fifteenth day before Kalendae Februariae.
It is the B nundial day, it is the 3d day before the market day this year.
On this day Romans worship: – Iuno is the Queen of the Gods, the protector and special counsellor of the state. A daughter of Saturn, She is the sister and wife of Iuppiter and the mother of Mars, Vulcan, Bellona and Iuventas. Her sacred animal is the peacock. As the patron Goddess of Rome and the Roman Empire, Iuno is called Regina (“Queen”) and is a member of the Capitoline Triad (Iuno Capitolina), centered on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, and also including Iuppiter, and Minerva, Goddess of wisdom. Her main festival, the Matronalia, is celebrated in March on the Kalends. She is also honoured as Iuno Lucetia, celestial light; Iuno Lucina, childbirth, inwhich the child is brought into light; Iuno Sospita, who protects labor and delivery of children; Iuno Moneta, whose sacred geese warned Rome of an impending invasion. Iuno Moneta’s temple was near the mint, thus her name was the root for “money”.