Today it is Dies Comitialis – almost the same as Dies FASTI, but these days are reserved for public gatherings of Romans – comitia. So, if your local community is going to appoint a gathering to discuss certain matters and make decisions – these days are just perfect for that!

It is the 4th day before the Kalends of April.

It is the H nundial day, the 5th day before Nundinae – the market day this year.

The Feriae Latinae or Latin Festival is a religious festival to Iuppiter Latiaris held on the Alban Mount. The date varied, and was determined and announced by the consuls each year when they took office. It is one of the most ancient festivals celebrated by the Roman state and is supposed to have predated the founding of Rome—in historical terms, to have dated to a pre-urban pastoral age. The rite was a reaffirmation of the alliance among members of the Latin League, and a truce was honored throughout the festival. Each Latin city sent a representative and offerings such as sheep, cheese, or other pastoral products. The presiding Roman consul offered a libation of milk, and conducted the sacrifice of a pure white heifer that had never been yoked. The flesh was consumed as part of a communal meal as a sacrament. As part of the festivities, the figurines called oscilla were hung from trees. The consuls were required to attend, leaving a praefectus urbi in charge of the city. If the consuls had to be absent (if, for instance, they were waging war), a dictator was appointed to oversee the festival. Consuls were not supposed to depart for their provinces until after the festival.

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