There will be more than 30 altars to Gods and Goddesses of Rome built in our Templi. One of them – the greater Ara Iovis (Altar of Iuppiter) is now completed and dedicated on the same day as the Aedes Iovis (Temple of Iuppiter). The other 20 are already assigned to following Deities:
- Ianus
- Vesta
- Diana
- Iuno
- Minerva
- Victoria
- Concordia
- Castor and Pollux
- Hercules
- Fortuna
- Honor
- Fides
- Virtus
- Mens Bona
- Quirinus
- Saturnus
- Liber
- Apollo
- Mercurius
- Tellus
A separate, smaller TEMPLVM outside of pomoerium will contain 3 altars to “out-of-the city” Deities:
- Mars
- Venus
- Vulcanus
So you now have a wonderful privilege to create/join a separate collegium for erecting an altar to a certain God or Goddess and have your name chiseled on it for Eternity. And there is a space available for 8 more altars still unassigned to specific Gods and Goddesses and if you don’t see you favorite Deity’s name on the list above you can start a collegium of your own and assign an altar to your spiritual guide to show your worship and respect. More info for those interested – in private communication with M. Octavius Corvus. Feel free to contact me on the FB or mail me –
Currently we have 5 groups of altars.
The first one – the altars already erected and dedicated: for the time being only one altar belong to this group – Ara Iovis. If you want you can order a ritual to Iuppiter and we will perform it on your behalf. Or you can join Collegium Aedi Iovis (Collegium of the Temple of Iuppiter) to participate in its development and affairs.
The second group – the altars that are fully funded and currently under construction, these are the altars to:
- Vesta
- Minerva
- Mercurius
- Diana
- Fortuna
You can donate to support those altars and your name will be chiseled on the side of respective altar as a co-donor if an existing Collegium will accept that. So in this case you better first contact a respective Collegium. Then you will become a member of respective Collegium and will have the right to vote in that Collegium. The best way to contact Collegia is through the Forum Templi where all existing Collegia have their representatives.
The third group – the altars fundraising campaign for which is currently running. The process of construction for these altars has been started. These are altars to:
- Iuno
- Hercules
- Apollo
You can donate for erection of those altars and your name will be chiseled on the side of respective altar as a co-donor. You will become a member of respective Collegium and will have the right to vote in that Collegium.
The fourth group – the altars not started yet. These are the altars to:
- Victoria
- Concordia
- Castor and Pollux
- Honor
- Fides
- Virtus
- Mens Bona
- Quirinus
- Saturnus
- Liber
- Tellus
- Mars
- Venus
- Vulcanus
You can donate for erection of those altars and your name will be chiseled on the front side of respective altar as a Founder of respective Collegium.
You can donate all $200 necessary for erection of an altar then you will become the Founder, Head and the only member of respective Collegium and you will decide: accept anyone into your Collegium in the future or not.
Or you can donate any amount, starting from $50 and then you will be the Founder and Head of respective Collegium and later some co-donors will join you. You will automatically get the right to vote and right to veto in that Collegium.
The fifth group – the altars unassigned yet. We have room for 8 such altars. If you want to dedicate an altar to your favorite Deity but you don’t see His/Her name in our list simply contact Collegium Templi to discuss this option.
Our Gods and Goddesses waited for 1600 years to finally have Their sacred places restored. Become the one whose name will be chiseled for Eternity!