Today it is Dies Comitialis – almost the same as Dies FASTI, but these days were reserved for public gatherings of Romans – comitia. So, if your local community is going to appoint a gathering to discuss certain matters and make decisions – these days are just perfect for that!
It is the 10th day before Kalendae Martiae.
It is the C nundial day, the day before the market day this year.
Today Roman celebrate the festival of Muta (or Tacita), the goddess of the Underworld who personifies the Silence and of all the Mistery. It was honored during Parentalia, between 18 and 21 February. Juturna and the myth is narrated by Ovid in the Fasti: Naiade, daughter of the small river Almone, which flows into the Tiber below Rome, originally called Lara or Lala, the name derives from the Greek λαλέω, “talking, chatting “the gossip nymph revealed to the sister the sights that Jupiter had on her and, she did not pay, she also talked about it with Juno. Iuppiter was enraged because he had revealed to his sister Juturna and Juno made her tear her tongue and from that day Lara became Tacita. She was taken to the underworld by Mercurius to lead her to the Underworld. During the journey, Mecurius fell in love with her carnal relationships. From their union, the divine twins, the Lares Compitales (deities of the cross- roads and intersections), were born, which in ancient Rome was entrusted with the task of watching the streets ofthe City. As a goddess of silence, Lala thus assumed the name of Tacita Muta.