Today it is Dies Nefastus – the regular working day on which Romans may perform their routine, but it is not recommended to make final decisions, start new projects, sign the contracts or take voyages. Religious life goes with no specific restrictions on these days.
It is the 16th day before Kalendae of March.
It is the E nundial day, the 6th day before Nundinae – the market day this year.
Keep in mind that today is Dies Ater – Unlucky day. There were several kinds of such days in Ancient Rome: dies vitiosi, postrudiani, etc., but their exact meaning and differences are not clear enough for us – Romans of today. We discourage modern Romans from starting new projects, making journeys, signing contracts or going surfing or skiing or doing anything risky at all. You better avoid addressing and offering a sacrifice to celestial Gods and Goddesses on this day. Get home, drink some wine and read a good book instead!