Today it is Dies Comitialis – almost the same as Dies FASTI, but these days are reserved for public gatherings of Romans – comitia. So, if your local community is going to appoint a gathering to discuss certain matters and make decisions – these days are just perfect for that!
It is the 7th day before Nonae Martiae.
It is the D nundial day, Nundinae – the 8th day before the market day of this year.
ARMA ANCILIA. Part of Feriae Martis. The sacred shields (Ancilia) are carried around the city by the Salii for the second time. This day likely mirrored the events performed by the Salii during Feriae Marti on March 1st. The ancilia (Latin, singular ancile) were twelve sacred shields kept in the Temple of Mars. According to legend, one divine shield fell from heaven during the reign of Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome. He ordered eleven copies made to confuse would-be thieves, since the original shield was regarded as one of the pignora imperii (pledges of rule), sacred guarantors that perpetuated Rome as a sovereign entity. The shields are identified by their distinct ‘figure of eight’ shape which is said to be derived from Mycenaean art. As described by Plutarch, the shape of the ancile is a standard shield, neither round or oval, which has curved indentations on both sides. The ancilia were kept by the Salii, a body of twelve priests instituted for that purpose by Numa. The Salii wielded them ritually in a procession throughout March. According to Varro, the ancilia may have also made an appearance in the Armilustrium (‘Purification of the Arms’) in October.