Today it is Dies NefastusPublicus – the day reserved for religious holidays. They are almost like Dies NEFASTI, but administrative activities must not be performed during them. It is not recommended to perform any kind of physical labor. So, if you want to hang out with your fellow-Romans – don’t talk about serious matters – just gather together and praise a God or a Goddess to whom this specific day is dedicated. Oh! And don’t forget to give your slaves a day-off!
Nova Roma Anniversary. Nova Roma is an international organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture. Founded 2,750 years after the Eternal City itself, Nova Roma seeks to bring back those golden times. But where our ancestors imposed their will through the sword and the legions, they intend the same result through the spread of knowledge and through their own virtuous example.
On this day Romans worship: Iuno Lucina, the Goddess of childbirth (“Iuno who brings children into the light”), and of motherhood (mater is”mother” in Latin) and married women in general. In the original Roman calendar traditionally established by Romulus, it was the first day of the year. As the first day of March (Martius), the month of Mars, it was also the Feriae Martis. The date of the festival is associated with the dedication of a temple to Iuno Lucina on the Esquiline Hillcirca 268 BCE, and also a commemoration of the peace between the Romans and the Sabines.