Today it is Dies Fastus – the normal working day on which modern Romans may do their daily businesses – both civic and religious. It is OK to sign contracts, travel, start new projects, worship the Immortals, etc.
It is Nonae Ianuariae.
It is the E nundial day, Nundinae – the 8th day before the market day this year.
On this day Romans worship: – Vica Pota is a Goddess whose shrine (aedes) was located at the foot of the Velian Hill, on the site of the domus of Publius Valerius Publicola. This location would place the temple on the same side of the Velia as the Forum and perhaps not far from the Regia. Cicero explains her name as deriving from vincendi atque potiundi, “conquering and gaining mastery.”In the Apocolocyntosis, Vica Pota is the mother of Diespiter; although usually identified with Jupiter, Diespiter is here treated as a separate deity, and in the view of Arthur Bernard Cook should perhaps be regarded as the chthonic Dispater. The festival of Vica Pota was January 5. Asconius identifies her with Victoria, but she is probably an earlier Roman or Italic form of victory goddess that predated Victoria and the influence of Greek Nike; Vica Pota was thus the older equivalent of Victoria but probably not a personification of victory as such. In a conjecture not widely accepted, Ludwig Preller thought that Vica Pota might be identified with the Etruscan divine figure Lasa Vecu. – Victoria in ancient Roman religion is the personified goddess of victory.