Today it is Dies Fastus – the normal working day on which modern Romans may do their daily businesses – both civic and religious. It is OK to sign contracts, travel, start new projects, worship the Immortals, etc.
On this day Romans worship: Veiovis is seen as an Etruscan god imported into Rome and is connected to the cult of Iuppiter. His nature is ambiguous today. Macrobius suggests he is linked with the di manes as a chthonic god of the dead. Others see Vediovis as a younger version of Iuppiter. His cult may have focused upon the dead that departed in their youth or prime. He is depicted as a male figure of Apollo appearing figure, with a cloak hanging over the left arm. Vediovis is said to have carried arrows and been attended by a goat. Cypress wood and goats are viewed as important to the cult historically. Goats were sacrificed “humano ritu” as offerings to the dead. It is probable this festival was one focused upon venerating the youth who died in the past year and towards protecting the young men who would soon take part in the military campaigning season starting this month.