Today it is Dies Comitialis – almost the same as Dies FASTI, but these days are reserved for public gatherings of Romans – comitia. So, if your local community is going to appoint a gathering to discuss certain matters and make decisions – these days are just perfect for that!
It is the second day before Kalendae Februariae.
It is the G nundial day, it is the 6th day before the market day this year.
On this day Romans worship: – Hecate is most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key, snakes, or accompanied by dogs, and in later periods depicted as three-formed or triple-bodied. She is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, night, light, magic, witchcraft, the Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. The Romans know Her by the epithet of Trivia, an epithet She shares with Diana, each in Their roles as protector of travel and of the crossroads (trivia, “three ways”).