Collegium Arae Hygieiae

Collegium Arae Hygieiae is a modern religious organization dedicated to the worship and veneration of Hygieia, the Roman goddess of health, hygiene, and well-being. The collegium seeks to revive and promote ancient traditions associated with Hygieia, emphasizing the importance of preventative care, purity, and harmony between body and spirit.

Members of the collegium honor Hygieia through rituals, offerings, and ceremonies that reflect her role in maintaining health and balance. These practices may include acts of purification, devotion at sacred altars, and the study of ancient medical and wellness traditions. The collegium also fosters a community where practitioners can explore the spiritual dimensions of health and healing, drawing inspiration from classical sources and adapting them to contemporary life.

By venerating Hygieia, the collegium upholds her legacy as a divine protector of well-being, encouraging individuals to live in accordance with principles of cleanliness, moderation, and mindfulness. Through worship and education, the Collegium Arae Hygieiae continues the tradition of honoring Hygieia as a guiding force for both personal and communal health.


Alex J Glaspie founded the Collegium in 8 March 2020.


The Collegium erected an altar dedicated to Hygieiae.

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