Apollo, one of the most revered deities in Roman religion, embodies harmony, balance, and enlightenment. Known as the god of the sun, prophecy, music, poetry, and healing, Apollo represents the pursuit of knowledge, creativity, and physical and spiritual well-being. His...
The Collegium Arae Apolloni is a contemporary organization devoted to the worship and veneration of Apollo, the Roman god of light, prophecy, healing, and the arts. Rooted in ancient Roman religious traditions, the Collegium aims to honor Apollo’s enduring legacy...
Neptunus, known as the Roman god of the sea, freshwaters, and horses, holds a prominent place in the pantheon of ancient Roman deities. Often associated with the Greek god Poseidon, Neptunus embodies the primal forces of water and its life-giving,...
The Collegium Arae Neptuni is a modern organization dedicated to the worship and veneration of Neptunus, the Roman god of the sea, freshwaters, and horses. Rooted in the traditions of ancient Roman religion, the Collegium seeks to revive and sustain...
Mars, the Roman god of war, holds a central place in Roman religion and culture as a powerful deity embodying strength, courage, and martial prowess. As a protector of the Roman state and a guardian of its military endeavors, Mars...
The Collegium Arae Marti is a modern organization dedicated to the worship and veneration of Mars, the Roman god of war, protection, and strength. Rooted in the traditions of ancient Roman religion, the Collegium seeks to preserve and adapt the...
Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, remains an important figure in modern spiritual practices. She is revered as the embodiment of passion, grace, and the connections that unite people. Venus is associated with both the physical and...
The Collegium Arae Veneris is a modern organization dedicated to the worship and veneration of Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Rooted in the ancient traditions of Roman religion, the Collegium seeks to honor Venus as a...
Jupiter, known as Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, is the chief deity in Roman religion, revered as the god of the sky, thunder, and lightning, as well as the protector of Rome and its people. As the king of the gods, Jupiter...
The Collegium Arae Iovi is a modern organization dedicated to the worship and study of Jupiter, the Roman god of justice, authority, and the skies. Inspired by ancient Roman religious practices, the Collegium seeks to honor Jupiter as a symbol...